Sunday, May 31, 2009


I have just started this blog very recently by chance. A lot of my friends who are now spead out all over the world often contact me and want to know my views or opinion about any interesting topic. When we were growing up in India many years ago we used to hotly discuss about current afffairs or any topic under the sun. It used to hours of interesting fun filled evenings. Now we rarely meet and all of have our own priorities and responsiblities ,,,,,,So they all now want me to start off from were we left. They want me to put my thoughs on public domain which they all can view any time as well as involve any of thier friends etc who may be interested.
I do not claim to be a very snob intellectual . I just write as i view and see about things that we all experience in our daily life. It is nothing out of the world. Just common sense.
I want these normal views on some subject to be available for all to see in this crowded and already jammed cyberspace . Be rest assured it will be interesting as time goes on..... I will pen some thing new for you all to see.
I am a full time Sales Executive [Construction Services][Qatar ] working in a time consuming and demanding environment and juggling a family life with 3 small kids and so please bear with me for some time[1 month] till i get time to fine tune and add more content in my blog about all the things that this blog is claims to be in the introduction.
Please book mark my page and comment freely and subscibe to my Blog..
Thanks & Regards

1 comment:

  1. I only want to tell all Muslims/Hindus one thing that Vande mataram means 'bow towards your mother land'.
    Now tell how many times a day do Hindus Bow towards thier motherland. where as Muslims [Millions of them] every day five times bow and touch thier mother land by thier foreheads [thats why you some time see a dark stain on some very regular praying muslims at the middle of his/her forehead where incidently is located the third eye of Shiva] when they are bowing for prayers for at least one hour average. So who is more patriotic.
    I think that this issue has been raised for maybe some political reason.
    Remember that The Deoband Seminary opposed the partition of India and were dead against the making of pakistan. Many of them were sent to jail by the British and most of thier arable land [which was a main source of income at that time] was siezed leaving them penniless. I think that some radicalism of a very small minority in that seminary has seeped inside them. But most muslims that i know tell us that this Fatwa[ Religious Opinion...Not Law] has been issued to consolidate or put some moderate muslims group in the back foot and try to consolidate its hold over the muslim community as they are facing resentment from lot of muslims because of thier non-futurestic outlook and low recruitment in getting new followers. So its a Game not an Issue and most Hindus should not fall in thier trap. Ignore it will die down in a few days and so will the backward Ambition of Deoband Groups.
    Please every body ponder over this point.
