Sunday, May 31, 2009


Yes.....i have been telling my friends all along that the wound on prabhakar's forehead is a long range heavy bore sniper's shot. The bullet had exited from the back skull blowing a part of it away.He was most probably taken out by the sniper whithout him knowing the victims real identity. Maybe it was dawn and dark or it was raining that night so visual identification was difficult.Snipers are usually taught to shoot on the head first to disable and disorient the target and then go for body shot,,, to finish the job.For confidential reasons the SLA is not highlighting the snipers role or identity clearly to save him and his family from any revenge attack by the hidden LTTE remnants.The startled look on his face in the final moment is a sign that death was sudden.A captured and tortured person shot from point blank or very close range will not have this look.Most Probably when they were making the final escape from the no-fire zone in a small teamwith light weapons only they were ambushed. I Think that the SLA were prepared that Prabhakaran & co will try to escape in a final bid from the evershrinking no-fire zone in a small group... so thay had an advance sniper teams ready.As the snipers have long range rifles and are hidden or one can say blended with the local landscape and are trained to stay still for along time plus are away from clear shooting range of enemies ...they have an advantage of the first shot.The SLA says that Prabhakaran was found with four of his bodyguards bodies near him which means that there were no survivors to burn his body as he had always wished after his death....they all were cut down one after another.The Ambulance attack with burnt bodies and firing story could be a smoke screen by the LTTE to allow Prabhakaran to escape quickly. Knowing that all wirless communication are monitered in war zone as in peacetime and there is no secured frequency the LTTE Threw a final gamble to allow thier leader to escape and maybe the SLA were taken in by the story for some time that is why there was initial confusion and conflicting news on 17-18 MAY.After his body was found near the lagoon/beach all other unsure news came to rest.Because it was raining that night and the temparature was cool the body did not detoriate badly and had a fresh look about it.My theory is that his family may have been captured alive and could be at some secret location undergoing interrogation to extract maximum information or were also killed and the bodies burned/buried to destroy all proofs.[Ultimately they will be under disappeared list soon].Of course i am saying this discounting all the conspiracy theory going around that it was his body double or a fake body or was he was captured earlier and killed later etc etc. I only say as i saw on TV etc. I have no privy to information that the SLA or RAW may have about this which may come out later or may never come out.Thats all for now...

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